If you have any questions or would like more information, our therapists will be happy to help. For emergencies call 9-1-1.
Contact Us
General inquiries: 1-330-636-1741 Lodi/Wooster area
1-419-617-6002 Bucyrus area
For emergencies call 9-1-1
Or fill in our contact form:
We would be happy to discuss your needs in person. We are located at:
Address Hours
737 Bank Street, M - 9a-4p
Lodi, Ohio 44254 T-TH - 12p-9p
(Medina County) F - 9a-4p
127 E. Liberty St (Brick walkway),
Suite 110
Wooster, Ohio 44691 M-F - 8a-4p
(Wayne County)​
816 N. Sandusky St, M-F - 9a-4p
Bucyrus, OH 44820
(Crawford County)
Email: anewdaylodi@gmail.com
Phone: 330-636-1741 Lodi
Fax: 330-948-0880 Lodi
Phone: 330-636-1741 Wooster
Fax: 330-601-0880 Wooster
Phone: 419-617-6002 Bucyrus
Fax: 419-617-1350 Bucyrus
Join Our Team
Check out Indeed as we post future opportunities.
Feel free to send your resume to anewdaylodi@gmail.com