Substance Abuse & Mental Health Outpatient Treatment Center
Dedicated to Providing the Most Caring Outpatient Care.
Free transportation for IOP group treatment.
Helping you - Help yourself - to take the next step.
The truth is that it is possible to recover from and manage the disease of drug and alcohol addiction, as well as mental health issues. It is our objective to help those suffering to realize the truth about addiction and mental health. There is hope! Recovering from drug or alcohol addiction is not easy, but it is possible with the help of those who understand. Mental health issues and addiction often coexist and treating the whole person is the focus at A New Day. We believe our role is to help people help themselves to take the next step in their recovery journey. A New Day’s goal for clients is to regain purposeful and meaningful lives, as well as their sense of self-worth.
A New Day provides these Outpatient services to the client:
MAT (Medication Assisted Treatment)
Psychiatric Medications - Mental Health medications to assist in treatment of a wide range of disorders
Comprehensive Assessments - Used to gather information, diagnose, and assist in clinical recommendations
Individual Therapy - Individualized therapy used independently and in conjunction with groups
Substance Use
Mental Health
Anger Management​
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy
Positive Parenting Program (Triple P)
Intensive Outpatient Group Therapy (IOP) - Curriculum based Substance Use based groups, facilitated 3-5 days per week, multiple locations and times to assist in meeting the needs of the client
Group Therapy - Specialized groups to address specific needs
Relational Offender Program (ROP) - Group designed for people with a history of domestic violence and other intimate partner violence
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) - Helps people overcome their interconnected thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that contribute to negative cycles and outcomes
Recovery Maintenance (RM) - This group follows IOP as a step down in level of care with a continued focus on substance use treatment
Case Management - Assistance with a wide range of needs from insurance, housing, etc.
Peer Support - Support for people who suffer from substance use
Urine Drug Screens (UDS) - Drug testing for accountability to sobriety and thorough client care
In the News
“We see A New Day as a positive resource and Lodi has a need for this type of center.”
Lodi Police Chief Keith Keough
The Medina County Health Department has launched Project DAWN to provide education and distribute life-saving Naloxone to families and friends of people using heroin and other opiates. - Cleveland.com 2/10/16
Email: ANewDayLodi@gmail.com
Call us today on 1-330-636-1741